Positive — self talk

Varchasa Aggarwal
3 min readAug 17, 2020


Positive self talk makes you feel good about yourself. It acts as a optimistic voice in your head that always look on the bright side. It gives you a new way to life. It acts like a self motivation.

With the help of positive self talk you can easily get rid of all the negative energies around you who demotivates you from your goals.

For example — ‘I am doing the best I can’, ‘I can totally make it through this exam.

Why should you practice self talk ?

The more you work on improving your self-talk, the easier you’ll find it. It’s kind of like practicing an instrument or going to sports training: it won’t be easy to start with, but you’ll get better with time.

It might not seem like much, but self-talk is a huge part of our self-esteem and confidence. By working on replacing negative self-talk with more positive self-talk, you’re more likely to feel in control of stuff that’s going on in your life and to achieve your goals.

5 tips to improve your self talk

1. Start The Day With Some Positive Mantras

Sure, you can wake up and start right in on the cranky, miserable, “case of the Mondays” stuff. Or, you can practice filling up your brain with some more positive thoughts. This will help you in starting your day with more positive effects on your mind.

2. Try Not To Catastrophize Everything

Yes, life can be downright annoying sometimes. But don’t let a negative highlight reel play your head, especially when things don’t go your way. Instead, tell yourself it’s an inconvenience to cope with and then get on with your life.

3. Get Rid Of Your More Negative Words

Don’t listen to the people who demotivates you by their negative sayings. They all will say “Are you mad, you can’t do this”, “this is above your caliber”, “you are too weak to perform this task”. These words not only dissuade you but always stops you from moving ahead.

4. Say “I Don’t” Instead Of “I Can’t”

I can’t do this.” Immediately, you feel defeated and hop right off. “I don’t want to do this.” That phrase has an entirely different ring, and shows that the decision to go on (or not) is totally in your control.

5. Focus On Positivity

Everyone has shortcomings. Everyone has a bad day (or days, or weeks). Don’t let it get you down, or become what you identify with. “The more you focus on negative events or shortcomings, the harder it is to put them behind you”.

Instead, say those positive mantras, separate yourself from your inner critic, and stop saying things like “I can’t” or “I’ll try.” Soon, you’ll be all about that positive self-talk.

Bonus tip —

Always train your mind in such a way that no matter what people say, always think positive about yourself. Don’t ever estimate yourself. Don’t ever think that you can’t this.

Use their negative comments to uplift yourself.

Examples —

“You can’t do this, you dumb” TO “Why not, I will do this,just wait and watch”

“What’s the point in going, everyone will see what an imposter I am.” TO Meeting new people can be daunting but I’m a good person, with lots to offer.”

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Varchasa Aggarwal



Varchasa Aggarwal
Varchasa Aggarwal

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